Letter Spacing label in Xamarin Forms

One of the limitations of the Label control in Xamarin Forms is that it’s missing a letter spacing property. On one of our most recent Forms projects we needed to specify differing letter spacing on some labels so I’ve put together a few code samples to save you time on how to do this in your iOS and Android renderers.

Forms control

The forms control is as easy as they come, it requires just one property which we’ve made a float:

I’ve named the control the LetterSpacingLabel.

The real magic happens in the iOS and Android renderers.

Android renderer

The Android renderer code looks like:

iOS renderer

The following code example demonstrates using the LetterSpacingLabel control:

The following screenshots show the label on each platform: iphone7 nexus4

Repo for LetterSpacingLabel can be found on Github.

Written on April 23, 2017
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